I am a professional learner, employed as Associate Dean, Learning & Assessment, and as a full Professor at Athabasca University, where I research lots of things broadly in the area of learning and technology and teach mainly in the School of Computing & Information Systems, of which I was the chair from 2016-2019. I am a UK National Teaching Fellow.
This site is mostly concerned with my professional work as a researcher and educator, though will occasionally feature things that are more personal or reflective of other interests. Most of the posts on the site are imported from my posts on Athabasca Landing, a social learning commons that I am somewhat responsible for designing, building and maintaining but that is created by the people that use it.
Visit my AU Landing profile to find out still more, including access to many posts made in groups or in different tools on the Landing that are not imported to this site, as well as the original source of most of my posts here (blog and bookmarks). The older ones of these have in turn been imported from older sites stretching back to 2004 (sadly I have lost posts older than that, though my first web site dates back to 1993)
hi Jon, important stuff: 1st new Courtney T. Edison show since before xmas here: https://wfmu.org/playlists/OC keep on wordpressin’, hope all’s well.