Microsoft Word

I hate Microsoft Word. It is buggy, ugly, clunky, slow, lacking in features, lacking in standards compliance and massively overpriced. Why, when others could do it more than 20 years ago, can you not even drag a picture to where you want it to be?  

I use it solely for compatibility with others, which is why I am currently using it to coauthor a book. I estimate its bugs and failings cost me an average of an hour or two a day at the moment. 

This error message sums it up for me:

MS Word error message

If you cannot read this, it says ‘The document “crowdbookdraftjd.docx” could not be opened. Word cannot open files in the “Microsoft Word Document” format.’


Reconsidering Moore’s Transactional Distance Theory

An interesting paper from the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning that attempts to redefine Moore’s notion of transactional distance as a distance in understanding between a learner and a teacher that needs to be closed. I’m not convinced by the conclusion – the authors neatly shoe-horn the theory into their own, but at the expense of not seriously considering the control dynamics and the psychological aspects that are perhaps the theory’s most valuable contributions. However, the paper contains a fine analysis of the literature via Dewey’s constructivist philosophy and a thorough examination of the concept of transactional distance from a refreshing perspective. It does begin to sound more than a little like a rephrasing of Vygotsky, which is not a bad thing.

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Motivating the Learner: Mozilla’s Open Badges Program | Goligoski | Access to Knowledge: A Course Journal

A useful article overviewing the technology, social, academic and organizational issues surrounding the Open Badge Initiative ( Personally, I think this is a vital technology to break the mould of formal education and rethink how we accredit lifelong learning. This may not be the final solution, but it is an important link in the chain.

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Education Technology Innovation 2013 Conference : Industry : Research Centre : Athabasca University

Education Technology Innovation 2013 Conference

If you are a researcher, an education R&D company, or a public or private sector user of education technologies, please join us for this upcoming event, hosted by Athabasca University.

May 1st: Workshops
May 2nd – 3rd: Full conference and Exhibitors’ Hall

Location: Radisson Hotel Calgary Airport

During the past decade, the use of technology in education has steadily grown in prominence and influence on campuses and schools around the world. In response, a new generation of educational technology startups has emerged, influenced by the significant flow of capital into the sector. In Canada, entrepreneurs have made a significant impact on education globally through their companies. In university research labs around the country, the next generation of education technology innovations is now being explored. Currently, no national conference exists to bring together education technology researchers, entrepreneurs, practitioners, funders, and government partners. This proposed conference addresses this void and will assist in promoting innovations in education and connecting researchers with startups and startups with funders and purchasers.


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Canada Moot 2013 Presentation

Canada Moot, a conference about Moodle, is taking place in February, and is in Vancouver this year. Terry Anderson and I are giving a presentation (details below). Call for abstracts ends November 10th so still time to get involved!


Confounding redundancy: LMS, Social Networks & E-portfolio Systems


This session looks at three of the most popular teaching and learning systems at all levels that used to support formal education. However, increasingly LMS, E-portfolio and Social networks each offer similar tools and redundancy can be expensive and confusing. This study examines a theoretical model developed by the authors which shows the strengths and uses of individualized, group, network and sets of learners and the tools that often work most effectively to support learning in each aggregation. The session concludes with a brief demonstration of the Elgg system developed at Athabasca.

Presenter(s): Terry Anderson – Athabasca University
Jon Dron – Athabasca University

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The Online Cheating Arms Race

Points to a couple of the ways that people taking online courses can cheat by paying other people to do the work for them. However, I don’t think this has anything to do with whether the courses are online or not. This is about how to crowd-source cheating, whatever the modality.

I have come across the results of some of these when marking work in both face to face and online courses. They are sometimes easy to identify. Many academic have signed on for such services and I have quite frequently received reports from others who have found my students using them, as well as finding a few myself. The detection process is helped by the fact that many who provide such services, ironically, tend to take shortcuts and re-use not just their own work but the work of others. 

My own approach in courses that I write is to make this kind of cheating too expensive to be worthwhile: linked assignments that are inherently unique, therefore requiring assignment providers to take most or all of an entire course, can significantly reduce incentives for cheating, especially when progress has to be shown through the course so there is no point in hiring someone who already knows how to do it. It’s not infallible, but it’s less fallible than exams, where over 70% of students in North America admit to cheating. When combined with a process that makes it likely that a tutor will get to know a student fairly well and a process that requires students to share work with others, leading the benefit of many eyes (honest students are usually affronted when they find cheating among classmates and willingly report it), it is heading in the right direction.

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Social learning and evolution: the cultural intelligence hypothesis

Excellent paper in support of social learning in both theoretical and empirical terms.


Abstract: If social learning is more efficient than independent individual exploration, animals should learn vital cultural skills exclusively, and routine skills faster, through social learning, provided they actu- ally use social learning preferentially. Animals with opportunities for social learning indeed do so. Moreover, more frequent opportunities for social learning should boost an individual’s repertoire of learned skills. This prediction is confirmed by comparisons among wild great ape populations and by social deprivation and enculturation experiments. These findings shaped the cultural intelli- gence hypothesis, which complements the traditional benefit hypotheses for the evolution of intelligence by specifying the conditions in which these benefits can be reaped. The evolutionary version of the hypothesis argues that species with frequent opportunities for social learning should more readily respond to selection for a greater number of learned skills. Because improved social learning also improves asocial learning, the hypothesis predicts a positive interspecific corre- lation between social-learning performance and individual learning ability. Variation among primates supports this prediction. The hypothesis also predicts that more heavily cultural species should be more intelligent. Preliminary tests involving birds and mammals support this prediction too. The cultural intelligence hypothesis can also account for the unusual cognitive abilities of humans, as well as our unique mechanisms of skill transfer. 

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Distributed cognitions

I find the notion of distributed cognition compelling – that our thinking is not just something that happens in our heads but that is distributed in the world and the people around us is pretty obvious and a host of people have come up with different theories and models to express that – apart from the distributed cognition field itself, social and otherwise, this concept underlies actor network theory, activity theory and a great many less formal models. I came across it again the other day in Steven Johnson’s great new book, Future Perfect, where he talks about the successful landing of a plane hit by geese as ‘a kind of duet between a single human being at the helm of the aircraft and the embedded knowledge of the thousands of human beings that had collaborated over the years to build the Airbus A320’s fly-by-wire technology’. I like the ‘duet’ metaphor but the concept also relates to how we organize our own lives and the objects we surround ourselves with.

I am writing a book at the moment that requires me to synthesize and integrate a great many ideas that I have picked up from many places. When I am at a loss about where to go next, I tend to glance at my bookshelf, where the familiar volumes remind me of what I have not connected and not included, often sparking a cascade of ideas. Unfortunately, I have purchased very few physical books over the past two years or so, since getting my first iPad. This means that I must make an active effort to skim through the icons of the books on the device to remind myself of what I know. Sure, there are compelling advantages to the e-books like size, ease of reading, much easier searching, indexing and aggregation, not to mention their availability on multiple devices, but I have to know what I am looking for. Also, the icons of individual books are just too similar – I recognize physical books by their size, shape, dog-eared covers and so on. A similar thing has happened with music. CDs are way less recognizable than albums, and tunes on an iPod blend into a blur of sameness when viewed on the tiny screen, album images notwithstanding.

The same is true for skimming through books once I have picked them from the shelf – I recognize important places and remember things about them by their context in relation to other words in the book, the shapes of paragraphs, the flaws on the page, my annotations, etc. I have written elsewhere of ideas for improving electronic books to restore some of that context  by embedding small variations in the fonts based on a hash of nearby words or showing subtle watermarks that adapt with the text around them, and I wish someone would build that: it would make e-books more memorable and useful.

However, for those physical reminders of my thinking history, I want something more. It’s great having it all on a device the size of much less than one of those books (at least on the Nexus 7 I increasingly prefer to the iPad) but sometimes it would be nice to spread it out a bit more, to surround myself with books in some physical form. I wonder if there is a market for virtual bookshelves. By this, I mean a display device of the size and dimensions of a bookshelf on which one could place virtual artefacts, perhaps even made to look like the books that they represent. You could take a book ‘out’ by maybe touching it, possible with the device on which you want to read it (using NFC). Unlike a real bookshelf you could also very easily reorganize your shelf in different orders, zoom bits of it, filter it. This idea is extensible – music could be accessed the same way, or academic papers, or movies, or notes (like sticky notes). All of this is possible and available on the small screen but size matters here. Even the biggest of current TV screens cannot come close to replicating the diversity and quantity of things that I would like to have to hand (or to eye) and, even if they were big enough, I’m not sure I’d appreciate the glow of such a device filling a wall-sized space. It could be done with a projector, perhaps, maybe linked with a Kinnect-like device to make it easy to interact with, but shadows would be a major problem. E-ink/e-paper would do the job: no unwanted glow, almost zero power consumption, and the slow refresh rate would be no problem at all. But does anyone make e-ink displays several metres across? 

In the meantime, one answer to by current problem would be, when reading or writing something, to display relevant digital objects (books, papers, etc) that are selected based on keywords of what you are reading or writing, perhaps showing them on a separate display screen. Something primitive like that is happening right now as I write this, as I see my tag cloud from my former blog posts next to this blog form. Yes, it would potentially distract, and care would be needed to avoid too rapid or too slow change in the list displayed. But it could easily be turned off.

interview with a troll

Fascinating glimpse into the mind of an Internet troll. Yes, this person is clearly immature with way too much time and a deep level of insecurity, as might be expected, but who turns out to be surprisingly articulate and reflective at the same time. A stereotype, sure, but a very human being with clear, well-considered motives and a genuine and zealous pride in what seems to others to be a malevolent and unkind activity. 

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