Digg, Wikipedia, and the myth of Web 2.0 democracy. – By Chris Wilson – Slate Magazine


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1360

Yet another article discussing the (less than surprising) fact that social sites such as Digg, Wikipedia and SlashDot are not purely crowd-driven applications but rely on small cliques, rules and algorithms to succeed. The top-down vs bottom-up issue appears to be the flavour of the year.

What I find interesting about many of the examples given is that they are instances of what Terry Anderson and I have been calling ‘the collective’. It is the combination of individual (not always explicitly connected) acts with algorithms or rules that gives these systems their power. A crowd left to its own devices is typically dumb, for all sorts of structural reasons such as the Matthew Principle, the effects of priority and unbridled stigmergy. It is only when explicit mechanisms are in place that include things such as delay, evolutionary filtering and reputation mechanisms, not to mention parcellating algorithms, that the crowd becomes smart.
Created:Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:20:41 GMT

Video: Clay Shirky on Love, Internet Style


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1359

The brilliant Clay Shirky explaining how social software and communication/coordinating tools in general helps to make love a renewable building material, and how Perl is like a 1300 year old Shinto shrine, aggregating caring into something stable and long-lasting. As usual, he is so right.
Created:Fri, 22 Feb 2008 21:22:08 GMT

Like ants, humans are easily led – Telegraph


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1358

Reporting findings from Utrecht that not only do people tend to follow the leader (nothing new here), but they will even repeat sub-optimal paths when informed of alternative routes. It seems that mob stupidity sticks! This has some interesting potential implications for allowing the crowd to teach itself using social navigation: even if the path is palpably wrong it may get reinforced.
Created:Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:05:23 GMT

Donald Clark on OpenLearn (or is it LearningSpace?)



Donald turns his attention to the UKOU's attempt at open courseware. It is sobering reading. Despite the investment of millions the result is less than stellar, not least because of the embarassing course materials (which, incidentally, they should allow the community to contirbute to and improve). This is a pity in many ways. The OU has done an interesting job of integrating some of the wonderful social tools it has been developing over the past few years (everything from collaborative knowledge maps to webinars to geographical presence indicators to vlogging, not to mention tag clouds and discussion forums) and it ought to be great – this has the makings of a self-organising learning environment. Maybe it will get better as more people use it – it was a bit disappointing to find no discussion, no knowledge maps, no other people present in all the courses that I looked at – but I doubt it, at least in its current form. The tools are great and the presentation is (mostly) fine, but there is something missing. I think it is a problem of integration. This is not so much a mash-up or a blend as an assembly. The tools are linked very loosely and, with a couple of exceptions, don't adjust to the context, so you can be looking at a course on computer security but seeing users of the whole site. Or you can click the Flashmeeting link and see a list of recordings of all presentations, not those that relate to where you are. Or chat with people who may have quite different needs and interests. While it is important to have bridges and isthmuses between distinct ecosystems, this site provides nothing but bridges. I think they have entirely failed to achieve proper parcellation.

The site feels very raw, fresh and unfinished. Hopefully these problems will go away as they start to think more about what all these wonderful tools are for. Unfortunately, because it is not very useful yet, I think that it is fairly likely that many people will not bother to come back.

Kevin Kelly — The Bottom is Not Enough


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1357

I love Kevin Kelly. He has been one of the most consistently inspiring writers that I know of for decades. In this article he starts to explore the balance of top-down and bottom-up needed to take advantage of the hive mind.

“pure unadulterated dumb mobs is the easiest, perhaps least interesting new space in the entire constellation of possibilities. More potent, more unknown, are the many other combinations of everyone and someone.”

This is great, but it seems to me that we have never seen a pure hive mind. Even the most bottom-up of social systems (say, Google Search) is a combination of top-down algorithms and bottom-up control. As KK says, Wikipedia is far from purely crowd-driven. Not only is there the elite that he highlights, there are also engineered processes and a host of automated systems that help to keep the encyclopaedia more or less on track. But he is right – discovering balances of top-down and bottom-up that work will be one of the most important research challenges from now on. In fact, it has been since the first social systems started to emerge in the 1990s. It is only recently that we have started to notice.
Created:Sat, 16 Feb 2008 04:55:03 GMT

The Habits of Highly Effective Web 2.0 Sites


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1356

Some sensible thoughts on building social sites that work, some of which mirror my own.In brief, Dion summarises these as…

* Ease of Use is the most important feature of any Web site, Web application, or program.

* Open up your data as much possible. There is no future in hoarding data, only controlling it.

* Aggressively add feedback loops to everything. Pull out the loops that don’t seem to matter and emphasize the ones that give results.

* Continuous release cycles. The bigger the release, the more unwieldy it becomes (more dependencies, more planning, more disruption.) Organic growth is the most powerful, adaptive, and resilient.

* Make your users part of your software. They are your most valuable source of content, feedback, and passion. Start understanding social architecture. Give up non-essential control. Or your users will likely go elsewhere.

* Turn your applications into platforms. An application usually has a single predetermined use while a platform is designed to be the foundation of something much bigger. Instead of getting a single type of use from your software and data, you might get hundreds or even thousands of additional uses.

* Don’t create social communities just to have them. They aren’t a checklist item. But do empower inspired users to create them.

Created:Sat, 02 Feb 2008 12:49:13 GMT

Connecting the Social Graph: Member Overlap at OpenSocial and Facebook


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1354

An excellent little report on member overlap between social networking sites. As you might guess, it is huge: 64% of those on Facebook are also in MySpace, for instance (only 20% vice versa, but MySpace is still much bigger). Unless we start finding more ways to aggregate these networks, it is likely that many will die as it is simply too hard to maintain that many profiles and logins for most people. It looks very much as though it will be a stand-off between Facebook and MySpace, but I think that there is still a place for niches, as long as we can mash them up intelligently and the big bad networks don’t fight too hard for proprietary lock-in.
Created:Wed, 02 Jan 2008 18:57:17 GMT

Digital Maoism Revisited


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1353

Jaron Lanier in typically excellent form, continuing the theme started in his fine article for edge.org. I think that he repeats his earlier mistake of considering many different forms of collective behaviour to be the same (Wikipedia’s dynamics are not remotely similar to stock market-like systems), but his central point is good: we urgently need to understand how crowds can be wise, and what makes them stupid.

Lanier’s warning of the danger that information technology can lock in cultural or behavioural patterns is dead right and unsurprising. In any system, choices we make earlier will constrain the choices we can make later. However, the nature of the computer as not only a tool but also the medium and the environment on which the tool works leads to an almost paradoxical problem that is seldom encountered in other systems. Not only may we get tied into formats, paradigms and habits created by the software, but the software becomes our virtual landscape, the context in which other behaviours occur, and thus its influence is pervasive and huge.
Created:Mon, 31 Dec 2007 14:49:09 GMT

Slashdot | How Would You Design Your Dream Office?


Full story at: http://jondron.net/cofind/frshowresource.php?tid=5325&resid=1351

Help with designing an office of a very particular kind.

There’s nothing particularly unusual about this post or the responses on Slashdot apart from the fact that, rather than offering the more typical popular Slashdot post that gives information or an opinion, someone with a learning need posted a simple question to the network yesterday and (to date) has received over 250 replies. Many are facetious and silly but the multidimensional scoring system works as an effective filter to help those with specific needs (those seeking answers that are funny, informative, interesting, insightful etc), and there is a wealth of useful information here, offered in many forms from stories to design specs to anecdotes to discussion. There is a kind of collective/network consensus forming, along with arguments that will help the person with the original problem to make a reasoned and well-informed decision.

The fact that this has risen to the top few posts of Slashdot implies that not only do many people have an interest in solving the poster’s problem, but that there are plenty of others who have similar problems and interests – me, for one. Who needs specific courses when the network is so good at making decisions?

This is a great example of crowd learning.

The quality, specificity, depth and range of responses goes far beyond anything that might have been achieved through asking a single expert, or reading books, or following an online course, or even getting one-to-one tuition. There is such a diversity of learning needs catered for here that it is hard to imagine any learner being left behind.

Of course, so much depends upon the kind of question and kind of network involved. Slashdot is news for nerds, and this is a subject that is of interest to many nerds, and in an area that is comfortably within the zone of proximal development of much of the readership. It is very task-focussed and highly contextualised. But this is exactly the kind of learning that we generally need. Brilliant stuff.
Created:Thu, 27 Dec 2007 11:04:26 GMT

It is not just about being first


I have been thinking some more about the issue raised in my previous post about the importance of being first in a social system where people influence each other's behaviour. On reflection, this helps to make sense of my thoughts (and those of others) on structure influencing behaviour. In many ways, this is just a symptom of a more fundamental dynamic. It has been noted more than once that the large and slow tend to have a disproportionately large influence over the small and fast in a system of otherwise independent agents, although this is a slight oversimplification. It seems to me that this might be more properly framed as a question of context. Where other issues of scale are equal, those that come first change the context for those that come later. Similarly, the large and slow moving provide a context for the small and fast, whether as defining features of the landscape to which the small and fast adapt, or as constraints on their activities. Big events such as forest fires can change the context rapidly, as can large-scale aggregations of small-scale behaviours, such as locust plagues or riots.  And, of course, intentional human intervention can make a big difference, allowing us to sometimes overcome the large and slow and to change the context by ourselves.

Relating this to one of my favourite topics, why learning management systems are pernicious, it is easy to see how several features of context come into play. In the first place, the LMS was developed within a context. Most arose from large and slow-moving institutional environments which, for reasons that have as much to do with history as with intentional design, have a particular shape and form. They have courses, classes, lectures, lecturers and a host of other structural features that influenced the developers of such systems. Had it been otherwise, they would not have been such a good fit with institutions and would not have been taken up as enthusiastically. Once they become an institutional feature, the power of priority takes hold. When an institution has wholeheartedly embraced a given system it is incredibly hard to get out of it – the effort of transferring and rewriting alone is bad enough, but the changes in culture, ethos, not to mention the training and  marketing needed make institutional LMSs almost unassailable except through the equivalent of a forest fire, changes in the intentional policies of the large and slow moving, or massive small-scale rejection. Small scale perturbations cannot shake them. And so, with their emphasis on the traditional values and structures that first shaped them, they actually enhance and strengthen the status quo. This is depressing to those of us who once saw them as an agent for change and liberation in learning and teaching methods.

What could change this depressing pattern?

  • top-down policies, outlawing (say) courses (OK, maybe asking too much too early) or at least courses that follow the same patterns as other courses
  • top-down policies mandating flexible, mashable, agile computer systems that would allow the locusts to swarm and take over
  • a fire – perhaps started by something like the sites that offer hired tutors on demand, or the many sites that offer assignment writing, or even the widespread avoidance of institutional learning through use of Wikipedia, Google Search, social networking sites and so on.
  • large-scale disillusionment – this has both a good and a bad side. The good side is that people may recognise that the problems come from trying to replicate a system that only ever worked because of all the informal and tacit elements that come with it: things like the motivational benefits of a timetable and the presence of others (consider the benefits of watching a movie with others), the ability to talk with fellow students in corridors and coffee shops, the largely hidden conversational aspects of lectures that cause changes in presentation and content according to the needs of the audience, the simple physical existence of an educational institution and much more. The bad side might be that people become disillusioned with technology per se, rather than recognising the flaws in its design. I fear that the vicious circle that starts with students liking these systems because they let them do the institutional dance better, thus reinforcing beliefs in their value when the problem is the institutional dance in the first place, may not help this process.

Now that I teach at Athabasca University I am becoming aware of another related issue with the LMS. When it was formed in the 1970s, AU modelled itself to a large extent on the UK Open University and developed a style of teaching that was aimed at enabling independent study, very largely through correspondance. Unlike the UK OU, AU's teaching was almost entirely at a distance and it developed a model of course design and support that worked well, albeit one that only suited a relatively small group of fairly self-directed learners. This was nonetheless good, because those learners would not have been able to complete a traditional university course, so access to education was increased. Now that courses are becoming increasingly online, AU has turned to a somewhat customised version of Moodle for its learning environment. This is bad in two ways.

  1. Moodle, as implemented at AU, encourages forms of interaction through discussion forums (it also has wikis, blogs and so on, but these are not yet institutionally supported to any great extent). This does not fit with the context of the correspondence model, either pedagogically or practically. It means more work for the tutors that engage (who are already quite heavily weighed down with things such as the large marking burden that the correspondence model entails) and, especially where tutors are less active, disillusionment for many students who discover that what should be a wonderful learning resource is actually often quite restricted and unengaging as, no matter how active the tutor, students enrol throughout the year and thus do not form a meaningful cohort. What is incredible is that, sometimes and not often for long, active communities do emerge.
  2. Despite providing a small range of templates relating to different learning designs, Moodle is still a product of the same mentality that led to WebCT. It is suited to a different context of teaching than that practiced at AU (at least in most undergraduate courses).  

AU teaching teams are faced with two choices:

  1. bow to the Moodle model and redesign courses to match its implied pedagogies. I think this would be silly as AU is free to cast aside much of the frippery of conventional university approaches to teaching and this would just bring the institution in line with others, who would therefore be competing head-on with it in the online space. AU's mission is to open education to all, not to compete for students with other universities and colleges.
  2. take the perpendicular path. Build on its strengths in allowing open, unpaced courses, but surround that with a social infrastructure that fits the overall ecosystem better. This is a bit scarier, but seems the only logical path to take. It is scary because it means rethinking the whole process of course design and delivery, not replicating structures that made sense in the days when courses went out through little more than post, phone and TV. We do at least have an institutionally supported instance of Elgg, which is a step in the right direction albeit still lacking some important features (notably in terms of the ability to  mash it up through more than RSS and its rather flat and undifferentiated model of communities)

I am very privileged to be a part of two institutions, both great in their own right, but both with related problems. One of the joys of working at the University of Brighton is that it provides a context for the individual tutor to adapt at a very small-scale level, changing the delivery of a course in real time, as well as enabling experimentation and adaptation throughout. However, the constraints set in at a higher level and the institution as a whole, whatever its good intentions, is hard to steer in an agile fashion, moving like a mega-tanker in a small strait. Innovations spread slowly, despite good communication, because the overall structure is deeply embedded in a physical and temporal context. Athabasca University has some of those constaints, but is inherently more agile at an institutional level. Its campus is primarily virtual and thus malleable. Its mission requires it to seek those who would otherwise be denied an education, so it is not constrained by the struggle to compete for school leavers. However, the context created by its history remains a powerful barrier, and the pedagogical approach that its history entails reduces the flexibility of teachers at the smaller scale, at least in undergraduate teaching. What is needed, and what would benefit both insitutions, is the best of both worlds. Flexibility at the top and at the bottom. I think that there are ways to achieve this – my book represents an attempt to address the problem at the level of the learner, but there is a need for a similar set of principles that would enable the valorisation of diversity at the level of the institution. Technology can support this or prevent it. The kinds of things that would give support would be the provision of small, reliable, interoperable, aggregable components, and diverse templates to help people to use them effectively. The kinds of things that would prevent it are…well…the monoliths. The big, engineered hunks of code that embody cultures and patterns that, whether in keeping with or opposed to the institutional ethos, are dangerous and evil. I am encouraged by moves in industry into social spaces such as Facebook, with their increasing diversity of available applications and their agility and scalability, although I am still wary of putting eggs in a single basket, no matter how big the basket – until Facebook becomes really open (and this may happen) OpenSocial is a far better option.