My beautiful, witty, talented brother Bob died unexpectedly in his sleep a week ago today. He was 67. I still cannot find the words to express the loss. From the day I was born Bob was always there, and he remains a huge part of me. He was variously my role model, my confidante, my advisor (seldom a wise one), my entertainer, my friend, my co-conspirator, my collaborator, my flatmate, my burden, my rock, my protector, my teacher. As a child, almost everything Bob ever did I had to do too, and anything Bob had I had to have too. There was barely a moment that mattered that didn’t have Bob in it. A thousand different vignettes play out in my mind every day, a thousand trivial and momentous moments, a thousand times he changed my life.
Bob walked gently on the world, often drifting a little to its side and sometimes not quite in it. That world is an emptier, sadder place without him.

Sorry to hear that Jon. I remember him.
Thanks Dave – it is comforting that he lives in our memories.
Such a touching tribute Jon, I feel the sorrow of your loss – but in some ways, it is clear, he will always be with you. Heartfelt condolences Su W
Thank you Su
We had been a continent apart for many years but he was and remains very present in my life.
I played with Bob for several years in a Bridport band called Sketchy Dog. Fortunately he left his basket at home whenever we played gigs. Will miss his Mutley smile and sardonic wit.
Yup, those things.
I found a picture of your band at https://dorsetbandb.files.wordpress.com/2014/06/sketchy-dog.jpg with Bob standing in the background, focused on the keyboard in a very characteristic pose. Indeed, there was no sign of a basket.
Bob tried to stay right on the edge in the shadows with Sketchy until Leon managed at one point to persuade him firmly to be in centre for a few gigs at least – hoping to make eye contact I think for cues! I managed to include one of those photos, where you can actually see him, in the funeral photo slideshow. I have a few Sketchy videos I’m adding to big long video I’m making.
Hi Jon, sad not to see you at the funeral, we will all miss him forever, he was Digs beloved stepdad, he was Lukes lovely dad, my dear muse and friend
Thanks Ruth,
it was good to be able to see the video stream – quite beautiful – but I was very sorry not to be able to be there in person. I miss him so much.
He was the best bought my first new Harley from bob good man
Alas, a different Bob Dron. My brother’s brushes with motorbikes seldom ended well though, at least with a very elderly Lambretta, he got through a lot of spark plugs at one point in his life.