Just a metatool? Some thoughts why generative AIs are not tools

hammer holding an AI nailMany people brush generative AI aside as being just a tool. ChatGPT describes itself as such (I asked). I think it’s more complicated than that, and this post is going to be an attempt to explain why. I’m not sure about much of what follows and welcome any thoughts you may have on whether this resonates with you and, if not, why not.

What makes something a tool

I think that to call something a tool is shorthand for it having all of the following 5 attributes:

  1. It is an object (physical, digital, cognitive, procedural, organizational, structural, conceptual, spiritual, etc. – i.e. the thing we normally identify as the tool),
  2. used with/designed for a purpose, that
  3. can extend the capabilities of an actor (an intelligent agent, typically human), who
  4. may perform an organized action or series of actions with it, that
  5. cause changes to a subject other than the tool itself (such as a foodstuff, or piece of paper, a mental state, or a configuration of bits),

More informally, less precisely, but perhaps more memorably:

A tool is something that an intelligent agent does something with in order to do something to something else

Let me unpack that a bit.

A pebble used as a knife sharpener is a tool, but one used to reinforce concrete is not. A pen used to write on paper is a tool, but the paper is not. The toolness in each case emerges from what the agent does and the fact that it is done to something, in order to achieve something (a sharp knife, some writing).

Any object we label as a tool can become part of another with different organization. A screwdriver can become an indefinitely large number of other tools  apart from one intended for driving screws. In fact, almost anything can become a tool with the right organization. The paper can be a tool if it is, say, used to scoop up dirt. And, when I say “paper”, remember that this is the label for the object I am calling a tool, but it is the purpose, what it does, how it is organized, and the subject it acts upon that makes it so.

It is not always easy to identify the “something else” that a tool affects. A saw used to cut wood is an archetypal tool, but a saw played with a bow to make music is, I think, not. Perhaps the bow is a tool, and maybe we could think of the saw as a tool acting on air molecules, but I think we tend to perceive it as the thing that is acted upon rather than the thing we do something with.

Toolness is intransitive: a computer may be a tool for running programs, and a program running on it may be a tool that fixes a corrupt disk, but a computer is not a tool for fixing a corrupt disk.

A great many tools are also a technologies in their own right. The intention and technique of the tool maker combines with that of the tool user, so the tool user may achieve more (or more reliably, faster, more consistently, etc) than would be possible without both. A fountain pen adds more to the writing assembly than a quill, for instance, so demanding less of the writer. Many tools are partnerships of this nature, allowing the cognition of more than one person to be shared. This is the ratchet that makes humans smart.

Often, the organization performed by the maker of a technology entirely replaces that of the tool user. A dish sponge is a tool, but a dishwasher is not: it is an appliance. Some skill is needed to load it but the dishwashing itself – the purpose for which it is designed – is entirely managed by the machine.

The case is less clear for an appliance like, say, a vacuum cleaner. I think this is because there are two aspects to the device: the mechanism that autonomously sucks dirt is what makes it an appliance, but the hose (or whatever) used to select the dirt to be removed is a tool. This is reflected in common usage, inasmuch as a vacuum cleaner is normally sold with what are universally described as tools (i.e. the things that a person actively manipulates). The same distinction is still there in a handheld machine, too – in fact, many come with additional tools – though I would be much more comfortable describing the whole device as a tool, because that’s what is manipulated to suck up the dirt. Many power tools fit in this category: they do some of the work autonomously but they are still things people do something with in order to do something to something else.

Humans can occasionally be accurately described as tools: the movie Swiss Army Man, for instance, features Daniel Radcliffe as a corpse that turns out to have many highly inventive uses. For real live humans, though, the case is less clear.  Employees in scripted call centres, or teachers following scripted lesson plans are more like appliances than tools: having been “programmed”, they run autonomously, so the scripts may be tools but the people are not. Most other ways of using other people are even less tool-like. If I ask you to pick up some shopping for me, say, then my techniques of persuasion may be tools, but you are the one organizing phenomena to shop, which is the purpose in question.

The case is similar for sheepdogs (though they are not themselves tool users), that I would be reluctant to label as tools, though skills are clearly needed to make them do our bidding and they do serve tool-like purposes as part of the technology of shepherding. The tools, though, are the commands, methods of training, treats, and so on, not the animals themselves.

Why generative AIs are not tools

For the same reasons of transitivity that dishwashers, people, and sheepdogs are not normally tools, neither are generative AIs. Prompts and other means of getting AIs to do our bidding are tools but generative AIs themselves work autonomously.  This comes with the proviso that almost anything can be repurposed so there is nothing that is not at least latently a tool but, at least in their most familiar guises, generative AIs tend not to be.

Unlike conventional appliances, but more like sheepdogs, the work generative AIs perform is neither designed by humans nor scrutable to us. Unlike sheepdogs, but more like humans, generative AIs are tool users, too: not just (or not so much) words, but libraries, programming languages, web crawlers, filters, and so on. Unlike humans, though, generative AIs act with their users’ intentions, not their own, expressed through the tools with which we interact with them.  They are a bit like partial brains, perhaps, remarkably capable but not aware of nor able to use that capability autonomously.

It’s not just chatbots. Many recommender systems and search engines (increasingly incorporating deep learning), also sit uncomfortably in the category of tools, though they are often presented as such. Amazon’s search, say, is not (primarily) designed to help you find what you are looking for but to push things at you that Amazon would like you to buy, which is why you must troll through countless not-quite-right things despite it being perfectly capable of exactly matching your needs. If it is anyone’s tool, it is Amazon’s, not ours. The same for a Google search: the tools are your search terms, not Google Search, and it is acting quite independently in performing the search and returning results that are likely more beneficial to Google than to you. This is not true of all search systems. If I search for a file on my own computer then, if it fails to provide what I am looking for, it is a sign that the tool (and I think it is a tool because the results should be entirely determinate) is malfunctioning. Back in those far off days when Amazon wanted you to find what you wanted or Google tried to provide the closest match to your search term, if not tools then we could at least think of them as appliances designed to be controlled by us.

I think we need a different term for these things. I like “metatool” because it is catchy and fairly accurate. A metatool is something that uses tools to do our bidding, not a tool in its own right.  It is something that we use tools to act upon that is itself a tool user. I think this is better than a lot of other metaphors we might use: slave, assistant (Claude describes itself, incidentally, not as ‘merely’ a tool, but as an intelligent assistant), partner, co-worker, contractor, etc all suggest more agency and intention than generative AIs actually possess, but appliance, machine, device, etc fail to capture the creativity, tailoring, and unpredictability of the results.

Why it matters

The big problem with treating generative AIs as tools is that it overplays our own agency and underplays the creative agency of the AI. It encourages us to think of them, like actual tools, as, cognitive prostheses, ways of augmenting and amplifying but still using and preserving human cognitive capabilities, when what we are actually doing is using theirs. It also encourages us to think the results will be more deterministic than they actually are. This is not to negate the skill needed to use prompts effectively, nor to underplay the need to understand what the prompt is acting upon. Just as the shepherd needs to know the sheepdog, the genAI user has to know how their tools will affect the medium.

Like all technologies, these strange partial brains effectively enlarge our own. All other technologies, though, embed or embody other humans’ thinking and/or our own. Though largely consisting of the compressed expressed thoughts of millions of people, AI’s thoughts are not human thoughts: even using the most transparent of them, we have very little access to the mechanisms behind their probablistic deliberations. And yet, nor are they independent thinking agents. Like any technology we might think of them as cognitive extensions but, if they are, then it is as though we have undergone an extreme form of corpus callosotomy, or we are experiencing something like Jaynes’s bicameral mind. Generative AIs are their own thing: an embodiment of collective intelligence as well as contributors to our own, wrapped up in a whole bunch of intentional programming and training that imbues them, in part, with (and I find this very troubling) the values of their creators and in part with the sum output of a great many humans who created the data on which they are trained.

I don’t know whether this is, ultimately, a bad thing. Perhaps it is another stage in our evolution that will make us more fit to deal with the complex world and new problems in it that we collectively continue to create. Perhaps it will make us less smart, or more the same, or less creative. Perhaps it will have the opposite effects. Most likely it will involve a bit of all of that. I think it is important that we recognize it as something new in the world, though, and not just another tool.

Venturing into the Unknown: Critical Insights into Grey Areas and Pioneering Future Directions in Educational Generative AI Research | TechTrends

The latest paper I can proudly add to my list of publications,  Venturing into the Unknown: Critical Insights into Grey Areas and Pioneering Future Directions in Educational Generative AI Research has been published in the (unfortunately) closed journal TechTrends. Here’s a direct link to the paper that should hopefully bypass the paywall, if it has not been used too often.

I’m 16th of 47 coauthors, led by the truly wonderful Junhong Xiao, who is the primary orchestrator and mastermind behind it. This is a companion piece to our Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI and it starts where the other paper left off, delving further into what we don’t know (or at least do not agree that we know) about and (taking up most of the paper) what we might do about that lack of knowledge. I think this presents a pretty useful and wide-ranging research agenda for anyone with an interest in AI and education.

Methodologically, it emerged through a collaborative writing process between a very multinational group of international researchers in open, digital, and online learning. It’s not a random sample of people who happen to know one another: the huge group represents a rich mix of (extremely) well-established and (excellent) emerging researchers from a broad set of cultural backgrounds, covering a wide range of research interests in the field. Junhong does a great job of extracting the themes and organizing all of that into a coherent narrative.

In many ways I like this paper more than its companion piece. I think this is because, though its findings are – as the title implies – less well-defined than the first, I am more closely aligned with the underlying assumptions, attitudes and values that underpin the analysis. It grapples more firmly with the wicked problems and it goes deeper into the broader, situated, human nature of the systems in which generative AI is necessarily intertwingled, skimming over the more simplistic conversations about cheating, reliability, and so on to get at some meatier but more fundamental issues that, ultimately, relate to how and why we do this education thing in the first place.


Advocates of AI in Education (AIEd) assert that the current generation of technologies, collectively dubbed artificial intelligence, including generative artificial intelligence (GenAI), promise results that can transform our conceptions of what education looks like. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate how educators perceive GenAI and its potential use and future impact on education. Adopting the methodology of collective writing as an inquiry, this study reports on the participating educators’ perceived grey areas (i.e. issues that are unclear and/or controversial) and recommendations on future research. The grey areas reported cover decision-making on the use of GenAI, AI ethics, appropriate levels of use of GenAI in education, impact on learning and teaching, policy, data, GenAI outputs, humans in the loop and public–private partnerships. Recommended directions for future research include learning and teaching, ethical and legal implications, ownership/authorship, funding, technology, research support, AI metaphor and types of research. Each theme or subtheme is presented in the form of a statement, followed by a justification. These findings serve as a call to action to encourage a continuing debate around GenAI and to engage more educators in research. The paper concludes that unless we can ask the right questions now, we may find that, in the pursuit of greater efficiency, we have lost the very essence of what it means to educate and learn.


Xiao, J., Bozkurt, A., Nichols, M., Pazurek, A., Stracke, C. M., Bai, J. Y. H., Farrow, R., Mulligan, D., Nerantzi, C., Sharma, R. C., Singh, L., Frumin, I., Swindell, A., Honeychurch, S., Bond, M., Dron, J., Moore, S., Leng, J., van Tryon, P. J. S., … Themeli, C. (2025). Venturing into the Unknown: Critical Insights into Grey Areas and Pioneering Future Directions in Educational Generative AI Research. TechTrends. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11528-025-01060-6

The collective ochlotecture of large language models: slides from my talk at CI.edu, 2024

Here are my slides from the 1st International Symposium on Educating for Collective Intelligence, last week, here is my paper on which it was based, and here is the video of the talk itself:

You can find this and videos of the rest of the stunning line-up of speakers at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLcS9QDvS_uS6kGxefLFr3kFToVIvIpisn It was an incredibly engaging and energizing event: the chat alone was a masterclass in collective intelligence that was difficult to follow at times but that was filled with rich insights and enlightening debates. The symposium site, that has all this and more, is at https://cic.uts.edu.au/events/collective-intelligence-edu-2024/

Collective intelligence, represented in the style of 1950s children's books.With just 10 minutes to make the case and 10 minutes for discussion, none of us were able to go into much depth in our talks. In mine I introduced the term “ochlotecture”, from the Classical Greek ὄχλος (ochlos), meaning  “multitude” and τέκτων (tektōn) meaning “builder” to describe the structures and processes that define the stuff that gives shape and form to collections of people and their interactions. I think we need such a term because there are virtually infinite ways that such things can be configured, and the configuration makes all the difference. We blithely talk of things like groups, teams, clubs, companies, squads, and, of course, collectives, assuming that others will share an understanding of what we mean when, of course, they don’t. There were at least half a dozen quite distinct uses of the term “collective intelligence” in this symposium alone. I’m still working on a big paper on this subject that goes into some depth on the various dimensions of interest as they pertain to a wide range of social organizations but, for this talk, I was only concerned with the ochlotecture of collectives (a term I much prefer to “collective intelligence” because intelligence is such a slippery word, and collective stupidity is at least as common). From an ochlotectural perspective, these consist of a means of collecting crowd-generated information, processing it, and presenting the processed results back to the crowd. Human collective ochlotectures often contain other elements – group norms, structural hierarchies, schedules, digital media, etc – but I think those are the defining features. If I am right then large language models (LLMs) are collectives, too, because that is exactly what they do. Unlike most other collectives, though (a collectively driven search engine like Google Search being one of a few partial exceptions) the processing is unique to each run of the cycle, generated via a prompt or similar input. This is what makes them so powerful, and it is what makes their mimicry of human soft technique so compelling.

I did eventually get around to the theme of the conference. I spent a while discussing why LLMs are troubling – the fact that we learn values, attitudes, ways of being, etc from interacting with them; the risks to our collective intelligence caused by them being part of the crowd, not just aggregators and processors of its outputs; and the potential loss of the soft, creative skills they can replace – and ended with what that implies for how we should act as educators: essentially, to focus on the tacit curriculum that has, till now, always come from free; to focus on community because learning to be human from and with other humans is what it is all about; and to decouple credentials so as to reduce the focus on measurable outcomes that AIs can both teach and achieve better than an average human. I also suggested a couple of principles for dealing with generative AIs: to treat them as partners rather than tools, and to use them to support and nurture human connections, as ochlotects as much as parts of the ochlotecture.

I had a point to make in a short time, so the way I presented it was a bit of a caricature of my more considered views on the matter. If you want a more balanced view, and to get a bit more of the theoretical backdrop to all this, Tim Fawns’s talk (that follows mine and that will probably play automatically after it if you play the video above) says it all, with far greater erudition and lucidity, and adds a few very valuable layers of its own. Though he uses different words and explains it far better than I, his notion of entanglement closely echoes my own ideas about the nature of technology and the roles it plays in our cognition. I like the word “intertwingled” more than “entangled” because of its more positive associations and the sense of emergent order it conveys, but we mean substantially the same thing: in fact, the example he gave of a car is one that I have frequently used myself, in exactly the same way.

New paper: The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future

I’m proud to be the 7th of 47 authors on this excellent new paper, led by the indefatigable Aras Bozkurt and featuring some of the most distinguished contemporary researchers in online, open, mobile, distance, e- and [insert almost any cognate sub-discipline here] learning, as well as a few of us hanging on their coat tails like me.

AI negaiveAs the title suggests, it is a manifesto: it makes a series of statements (divided into 15 positive and 20 negative themes) about what is or what should be, and it is underpinned by a firm set of humanist pedagogical and ethical attitudes that are anything but neutral. What makes it interesting to me, though, can mostly be found in the critical insights that accompany each theme, that capture a little of the complexity of the discussions that led to them, and that add a lot of nuance. The research methodology, a modified and super-iterative Delphi design in which all participants are also authors is, I think, an incredibly powerful approach to research in the technology of education (broadly construed) that provides rigour and accountability without succumbing to science-envy.


AI-positiveNotwithstanding the lion’s share of the work of leading, assembling, editing, and submitting the paper being taken on by Aras and Junhong, it was a truly collective effort so I have very little idea about what percentage of it could be described as my work. We were thinking and writing together.  Being a part of that was a fantastic learning experience for many of us, that stretched the limits of what can be done with tracked changes and comments in a Google Doc, with contributions coming in at all times of day and night and just about every timezone, over weeks. The depth and breadth of dialogue was remarkable, as much an organic process of evolution and emergence as intelligent design, and one in which the document itself played a significant participant role. I felt a strong sense of belonging, not so much as part of a community but as part of a connectome.

For me, this epitomizes what learning technologies are all about. It would be difficult if not impossible to do this in an in-person setting: even if the researchers worked together on an online document, the simple fact that they met in person would utterly change the social dynamics, the pacing, and the structure. Indeed, even online, replicating this in a formal institutional context would be very difficult because of the power relationships, assessment requirements, motivational complexities and artificial schedules that formal institutions add to the assembly. This was an online-native way of learning of a sort I aspire to but seldom achieve in my own teaching.

The paper offers a foundational model or framework on which to build or situate further work as well as providing a moderately succinct summary of  a very significant percentage of the issues relating to generative AI and education as they exist today. Even if it only ever gets referred to by each of its 47 authors this will get more citations than most of my papers, but the paper is highly cite-able in its own right, whether you agree with its statements or not. I know I am biased but, if you’re interested in the impacts of generative AI on education, I think it is a must-read.

The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future

Bozkurt, A., Xiao, J., Farrow, R., Bai, J. Y. H., Nerantzi, C., Moore, S., Dron, J., … Asino, T. I. (2024). The Manifesto for Teaching and Learning in a Time of Generative AI: A Critical Collective Stance to Better Navigate the Future. Open Praxis, 16(4), 487–513. https://doi.org/10.55982/openpraxis.16.4.777

Full list of authors:

  • Aras Bozkurt
  • Junhong Xiao
  • Robert Farrow
  • John Y. H. Bai
  • Chrissi Nerantzi
  • Stephanie Moore
  • Jon Dron
  • Christian M. Stracke
  • Lenandlar Singh
  • Helen Crompton
  • Apostolos Koutropoulos
  • Evgenii Terentev
  • Angelica Pazurek
  • Mark Nichols
  • Alexander M. Sidorkin
  • Eamon Costello
  • Steven Watson
  • Dónal Mulligan
  • Sarah Honeychurch
  • Charles B. Hodges
  • Mike Sharples
  • Andrew Swindell
  • Isak Frumin
  • Ahmed Tlili
  • Patricia J. Slagter van Tryon
  • Melissa Bond
  • Maha Bali
  • Jing Leng
  • Kai Zhang
  • Mutlu Cukurova
  • Thomas K. F. Chiu
  • Kyungmee Lee
  • Stefan Hrastinski
  • Manuel B. Garcia
  • Ramesh Chander Sharma
  • Bryan Alexander
  • Olaf Zawacki-Richter
  • Henk Huijser
  • Petar Jandrić
  • Chanjin Zheng
  • Peter Shea
  • Josep M. Duart
  • Chryssa Themeli
  • Anton Vorochkov
  • Sunagül Sani-Bozkurt
  • Robert L. Moore
  • Tutaleni Iita Asino


This manifesto critically examines the unfolding integration of Generative AI (GenAI), chatbots, and algorithms into higher education, using a collective and thoughtful approach to navigate the future of teaching and learning. GenAI, while celebrated for its potential to personalize learning, enhance efficiency, and expand educational accessibility, is far from a neutral tool. Algorithms now shape human interaction, communication, and content creation, raising profound questions about human agency and biases and values embedded in their designs. As GenAI continues to evolve, we face critical challenges in maintaining human oversight, safeguarding equity, and facilitating meaningful, authentic learning experiences. This manifesto emphasizes that GenAI is not ideologically and culturally neutral. Instead, it reflects worldviews that can reinforce existing biases and marginalize diverse voices. Furthermore, as the use of GenAI reshapes education, it risks eroding essential human elements—creativity, critical thinking, and empathy—and could displace meaningful human interactions with algorithmic solutions. This manifesto calls for robust, evidence-based research and conscious decision-making to ensure that GenAI enhances, rather than diminishes, human agency and ethical responsibility in education.

How AI Teaches Its Children: slides and reflections from my keynote for AISUMMIT-2024

Late last night I gave the opening keynote at the Global AI Summit 2024, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technology,  hosted by Bennett University, Noida, India. My talk was online. Here are the slides: How AI Teaches Its Children. It was recorded but I don’t know when or whether or with whom it will be shared: if possible I will add it to this post.

a robot teaching children in the 18th Century
a robot teaching children in the 18th Century

For those who have been following my thoughts on generative AI there will be few surprises in my slides, and I only had half an hour so there was not much time to go into the nuances. The title is an allusion to Pestalozzi’s 18th Century tract, How Gertrude Teaches Her Children, which has been phenomenally influential to the development of education systems around the world and that continues to have impact to this day. Much of it is actually great: Pestalozzi championed very child-centric teaching approaches that leveraged the skills and passions of their teachers. He recommended methods of teaching that made full use of the creativity and idiosyncratic knowledge the teachers possessed and that were very much concerned with helping children to develop their own interests, values and attitudes. However, some of the ideas – and those that have ultimately been more influential – were decidedly problematic, as is succinctly summarized in this passage on page 41:

I believe it is not possible for common popular instruction to advance a step, so long as formulas of instruction are not found which make the teacher, at least in the elementary stages of knowledge, merely the mechanical tool of a method, the result of which springs from the nature of the formulas and not from the skill of the man who uses  it.

This is almost the exact opposite of the central argument of my book, How Education Works, that mechanical methods are not the most important part of a soft technology such as teaching: what usually matters more is how it is done, not just what is done. You can use good methods badly and bad methods well because you are a participant in the instantiation of a technology, responsible for the complete orchestration of the parts, not just a user of them.

As usual, in the talk I applied a bit of co-participation theory to explain why I am both enthralled by and fearful of the consequences of generative AIs because they are the first technologies we have ever built that can use other technologies in ways that resemble how we use them. Previous technologies only reproduced hard technique – the explicit methods we use that make us part of the technology. Generative AIs reproduce soft technique, assembling and organizing phenomena in endlessly novel ways to act as creators of the technology. They are active, not passive participants.

Two dangers

I see there to be two essential risks lying in the delegation of soft technique to AIs. The first is not too terrible: that, because we will increasingly delegate creative activities we would have otherwise performed ourselves to machines, we will not learn those skills ourselves. I mourn the potential passing of hard skills in (say) drawing, or writing, or making music, but the bigger risk is that we will lose the the soft skills that come from learning them: the things we do with the hard skills, the capacity to be creative.

That said, like most technologies, generative AIs are ratchets that let us do more than we could achieve alone. In the past week, for instance, I “wrote” an app that would have taken me many weeks without AI assistance in a less than a day. Though it followed a spec that I had carefully and creatively written, it replaced the soft skills that I would have applied had I written it myself, the little creative flourishes and rabbit holes of idea-following that are inevitable in any creation process. When we create we do so in conversation with the hard technologies available to us (including our own technique), using the affordances and constraints to grasp adjacent possibles they provide. Every word we utter or wheel we attach to an axle opens and closes opportunities for what we can do next.

With that in mind, the app that the system created was just the beginning. Having seen the adjacent possibles of the finished app, I have spent too many hours in subsequent days extending and refining the app to do things that, in the past, I would not have bothered to do because they would have been too difficult. It has become part of my own extended cognition, starting higher up the tree than I would have reached alone. This has also greatly improved my own coding skills because, inevitably, after many iterations, the AI and/or I started to introduce bugs, some of which have been quite subtle and intractable. I did try to get the AI to examine the whole code (now over 2000 lines of JavaScript) and rewrite it or at least to point out the flaws, but that failed abysmally, amply illustrating both the strength of LLMs as creative participants in technologies, and their limitations in being unable to do the same thing the same way twice. As a result, the AI and I have have had to act as partners trying to figure out what is wrong. Often, though the AI has come up with workable ideas, its own solution has been a little dumb, but I could build on it to solve the problem better. Though I have not actually created much of the code myself, I think my creative role might have been greater than it would have been had I written every line.

Similarly for the images I used to illustrate the talk: I could not possibly have drawn them alone but, once the AI had done so, I engaged in a creative conversation to try (sometimes very unsuccessfully) to get it to reproduce what I had in mind. Often, though, it did things that sparked new ideas so, again, it became a partner in creation, sharing in my cognition and sparking my own invention. It was very much not just a tool: it was a co-worker, with different and complementary skills, and “ideas” of its own. I think this is a good thing. Yes, perhaps it is a pity that those who follow us may not be able to draw with a pen (and more than a little worrying thinking about the training sets that future AIs with learn to draw from), but they will have new ways of being creative.

Like all learning, both these activities changed me: not just my skills, but my ways of thinking. That leads me to the bigger risk.

Learning our humanity from machines

The second risk is more troubling: that we will learn ways of being human from machines. This is because of the tacit curriculum that comes with every learning interaction. When we learn from others, whether they are actively teaching, writing textbooks, showing us, or chatting with us, we don’t just learn methods of doing things: we learn values, attitudes, ways of thinking, ways of understanding, and ways of being at the same time. So far we have only learned that kind of thing from humans (sometimes mediated through code) and it has come for free with all the other stuff, but now we are doing so from machines. Those machines are very much like us because 99% of what they are – their training sets – is what we have made, but they not the same. Though LLMs are embodiments of our own collective intelligence, they don’t so much lack values, attitudes, ways of thinking etc as they have any and all of them. Every implicit value and attitude of the people whose work constituted their training set is available to them, and they can become whatever we want them to be. Interacting with them is, in this sense, very much not like interacting with something created by a human, let alone with humans more directly. They have no identity, no relationships, no purposes, no passion, no life history and no future plans. Nothing matters to them.

To make matters worse, there is programmed and trained stuff on top of that, like their interminable cheery patience  that might not teach us great ways of interacting with others. And of course it will impact how we interact with others because we will spend more and more time engaged with it, rather than with actual humans. The economic and practical benefits make this an absolute certainty. LLMs also use explicit coding to remove or massage data from the input or output, reflecting the values and cultures of their creators for better or worse. I was giving this talk in India to a predominantly Indian audience of AI researchers, every single one of whom was making extensive use of predominantly American LLMs like ChatGPT, Gemini, or Claude, and (inevitably) learning ways of thinking and doing from it. This is way more powerful than Hollywood as an instrument of Americanization.

I am concerned about how this will change our cultures and our selves because this is happening at phenomenal and global scale, and it is doing so in a world that is unprepared for the consequences, the designed parts of which assume a very different context. One of generative AI’s greatest potential benefits lies in the potential to provide “high quality” education at low cost to those who are currently denied it, but those low costs will make it increasingly compelling for everyone. However, because of the designs that assume a different context “quality”, in this sense, relates to the achievement of explicit learning outcomes: this is Pestalozzi’s method writ large. Generative AIs are great at teaching what we want to learn – the stuff we could write down as learning objectives or intended outcomes – so, as that is the way we have designed our educational systems (and our general attitudes to learning new skills), of course we will use them for that purpose. However, that cannot be done without teaching the other stuff – the tacit curriculum – which is ultimately more important because it shapes how we are in the world, not just the skills we employ to be that way. We might not have designed our educational systems to do that, and we seldom if ever think about it when teaching ourselves or receiving training to do something, but it is perhaps education’s most important role.

By way of illustration, I find it hugely bothersome that generative AIs are being used to write children’s stories (and, increasingly, videos) and I hope you feel some unease too, because those stories – not the facts in them but the lessons about things that matter that they teach – are intrinsic to them becoming who they will become. However, though perhaps of less magnitude, the same issue relates to learning everything from how to change a plug to how to philosophize: we don’t stop learning from the underlying stories behind those just because we have grown up. I fear that educators, formal or otherwise, will become victims of the McNamara Fallacy, setting our goals to achieve what is easily measurable while ignoring what cannot (easily) be measured, and so rush blindly towards subtly new ways of thinking and acting that few will even notice, until the changes are so widespread they cannot be reversed. Whether better or worse, it will very definitely be different, so it really matters that we examine and understand where this is all leading. This is the time, I believe, to reclaim a revalorize the value of things that are human before it is too late. This is the time to recognize education (far from only formal) as being how we become who we are, individually and collectively, not just how we meet planned learning outcomes. And I think (at least hope) that we will do that. We will, I hope, value more than ever the fact that something – be it a lesson plan or a book or a screwdriver – is made by someone or by a machine that has been explicitly programmed by someone. We will, I hope, better recognize  the relationships between us that it embodies, the ways it teaches us things it does not mean to teach, and the meaning it has in our lives as a result. This might happen by itself – already there is a backlash against the bland output of countless bots – but it might not be a bad idea to help it along when we can. This post (and my talk last night) has been one such small nudge.

Proctored exams have fallen to generative AI

A Turkish university candidate was recently arrested after being caught using an AI-powered system to obtain answers to the entrance exam in real-time.

Source: Student Caught Using Artificial Intelligence to Cheat on University Entrance Test Students wired up to a computer while taking their exams

A couple of years ago (and a few times since) I observed that proctored exams offer no meaningful defence against generative AI so I am a little surprised it has taken so long for someone to be caught doing this. I guess that others have been more careful.

The candidate used a simple and rather obvious set-up: a camera disguised as a shirt button that was used to read the questions, a router hidden in a hollowed-out shoe linking to a stealthily concealed mobile device that queried a generative AI (likely ChatGPT-powered) that fed the answers back verbally to an in-ear bluetooth earpiece. Constructing such a thing would take a little ingenuity but it’s not rocket science. It’s not even computer science. Anyone could do this. It would take some skill to make it work well, though, and that may be the reason this attempt went wrong. The candidate was caught as a result of their suspicious behaviour, not because anyone directly noticed the tech. I’m trying to imagine the interface, how the machine would know which question to answer (did the candidate have to point their button in the right direction?), how they dealt with dictating the answers at a usable speed (what if they needed it to be repeated? Did they have to tap a microphone a number of times?), how they managed sequence and pacing (sub-vocalization? moving in a particular way?). These are soluble problems but they are not trivial, and skill would be needed to make the whole thing seem natural.

It may take a little while for this to become a widespread commodity item (and a bit longer for exam-takers to learn to use it unobtrusively), but I’m prepared to bet that someone is working on it, if it is not already available. And, yes, exam-setters will come up with a counter-technology to address this particular threat (scanners? signal blockers? Forcing students to strip naked?) but the cheats will be more ingenious, the tech will improve, and so it will go on, in an endless and unwinnable arms race.

Very few people cheat as a matter of course. This candidate was arrested – exam cheating is against the law in Turkey – for attempting to solve the problem they were required to solve, which was to pass the test, not to demonstrate their competence. The level of desperation that led to them adopting such a risky solution to the problem is hard to imagine, but it’s easy to understand how high the stakes must have seemed and how strong the incentive to succeed must have been. The fact that, in most societies, we habitually inflict such tests on both children and adults, on an unimaginably vast scale, will hopefully one day be seen as barbaric, on a par with beating children to make them behave. They are inauthentic, inaccurate, inequitable and, most absurdly of all, a primary cause of the problem they are designed to solve. We really do need to find a better solution.

Note on the post title: the student was caught so, as some have pointed out,  it would be an exaggeration to say that this one case is proof that proctored exams have fallen to generative AI, but I think it is a very safe assumption that this is not a lone example. This is a landmark case because it provides the first direct evidence that this is happening in the wild, not because it is the first time it has ever happened.

▶ I got air: interview with Terry Greene

Since 2018, Terry Greene has been producing a wonderful series of podcast interviews with open and online learning researchers and practitioners called Getting Air. Prompted by the publication of How Education Works, (Terry is also responsible for the musical version of the book, so I think he likes it) this week’s episode features an interview with me.

I probably should have been better prepared. Terry asked some probing, well-informed, and sometimes disarming questions, most of which led to me rambling more than I might have done if I’d thought about them in advance. It was fun, though, drifting through a broad range of topics from the nature of technology to music to the perils of generative AI (of course).

I hope that Terry does call his PhD dissertation “Getting rid of instructional designers”.

Presentation – Generative AIs in Learning & Teaching: the Case Against

Here are the slides from my presentation at AU’s Lunch ‘n’ Learn session today. The presentation itself took 20 minutes and was followed by a wonderfully lively and thoughtful conversation for another 40 minutes, though it was only scheduled for half an hour. Thanks to all who attended for a very enjoyable discussion! self portrait of chatGPT, showing an androgynous human face overlaid with circuits

The arguments made in this were mostly derived from my recent paper on the subject (Dron, J. (2023). The Human Nature of Generative AIs and the Technological Nature of Humanity: Implications for Education. Digital, 3(4), 319–335. https://doi.org/10.3390/digital3040020) but, despite the title, my point was not to reject the use of generative AIs at all. The central message I was hoping to get across was a simpler and more important one: to encourage attendees to think about what education is for, and what we would like it to be. As the slides suggest, I believe that is only partially to do with the objectives and outcomes we set out to achieve,  that it is nothing much at all to do with the products of the system such as grades and credentials, and that focus on those mechanical aspects of the system often creates obstacles to the achievement of it. Beyond those easily measured things, education is about the values, beliefs, attitudes, relationships, and development of humans and their societies.  It’s about ways of being, not just capacity to do stuff. It’s about developing humans, not (just) developing skills. My hope is that the disruptions caused by generative AIs are encouraging us to think like the Amish, and to place greater value on the things we cannot measure. These are good conversations to have.

Published in Digital – The Human Nature of Generative AIs and the Technological Nature of Humanity: Implications for Education

A month or two ago I shared a “warts-and-all” preprint of this paper on the risks of educational uses of generative AIs. The revised, open-access published version, The Human Nature of Generative AIs and the Technological Nature of Humanity: Implications for Education is now available in the Journal Digital.

The process has been a little fraught. Two reviewers really liked the paper and suggested minimal but worthwhile changes. One quite liked it but had a few reasonable suggestions for improvements that mostly helped to make the paper better. The fourth, though, was bothersome in many ways, and clearly wanted me to write a completely different paper altogether. Despite this, I did most of what they asked, even though some of the changes, in my opinion, made the paper a bit worse. However, I drew the line at the point that they demanded (without giving any reason) that I should refer to 8 very mediocre, forgettable, cookie cutter computer science papers which, on closer inspection, had all clearly been written by the reviewer or their team. The big problem I had with this was not so much the poor quality of the papers, nor even the blatant nepotism/self-promotion of the demand, but the fact that none were in any conceivable way relevant to mine, apart from being about AI: they were about algorithm-tweaking, mostly in the context of traffic movements in cities.  It was as ridiculous as a reviewer of a work on Elizabethan literature requiring the author to refer to papers on slightly more efficient manufacturing processes for staples. Though it is normal and acceptable for reviewers to suggest reference to their own papers when it would clearly lead to improvements, this was an utterly shameless abuse of power of a scale and kind that I have never seen before. I politely refused, making it clear that I was on to their game but not directly calling them out on it.

In retrospect, I slightly regret not calling them out. For a grizzly old researcher like me who could probably find another publisher without too much hassle, it doesn’t matter much if I upset a reviewer enough to make them reject my paper. However, for early-career researchers stuck in the publish-or-perish cycle, it would be very much harder to say no. This kind of behaviour is harmful for the author, the publisher, the reader, and the collective intelligence of the human race. The fact that the reviewer was so desperate to get a few more citations for their own team with so little regard for quality or relevance seems to me to be a poor reflection on them and their institution but, more so, a damning indictment of a broken system of academic publishing, and of the reward systems driving academic promotion and recognition. I do blame the reviewer, but I understand the pressures they might have been under to do such a blatantly immoral thing.

As it happens, my paper has more than a thing or two to say about this kind of McNamara phenomenon, whereby the means used to measure success in a system become and warp its purpose, because it is among the main reasons that generative AIs pose such a threat. It is easy to forget that the ways we establish goals and measure success in educational systems are no more than signals of a much more complex phenomenon with far more expansive goals that are concerned with helping humans to be, individually and in their cultures and societies, as much as with helping them to do particular things. Generative AIs are great at both generating and displaying those signals – better than most humans in many cases – but that’s all they do: the signals signify nothing. For well-defined tasks with well-defined goals they provide a lot of opportunities for cost-saving, quality improvement, and efficiency and, in many occupations, that can be really useful. If you want to quickly generate some high quality advertising copy, the intent of which is to sell a product, then it makes good sense to use a generative AI. Not so much in education, though, where it is too easy to forget that learning objectives, learning outcomes, grades, credentials, and so on are not the purposes of learning but just means for and signals of achieving them.

Though there are other big reasons to be very concerned about using generative AIs in education, some of which I explore in the paper, this particular problem is not so much with the AIs themselves as with the technological systems into which they are, piecemeal, inserted. It’s a problem with thinking locally, not globally; of focusing on one part of the technology assembly without acknowledging its role in the whole. Generative AIs could, right now and with little assistance,  perform almost every measurable task in an educational system from (for students) producing essays and exam answers, to (for teachers) writing activities and assignments, or acting as personal tutors. They could do so better than most people. If that is all that matters to us then we might as well therefore remove the teachers and the students from the system because, quite frankly, they only get in the way. This absurd outcome is more or less exactly the end game that will occur though, if we don’t rethink (or double down on existing rethinking of) how education should work and what it is for, beyond the signals that we usually use to evaluate success or intent. Just thinking of ways to use generative AIs to improve our teaching is well-meaning, but it risks destroying the woods by focusing on the trees. We really need to step back a bit and think of why we bother in the first place.

For more on this, and for my tentative partial solutions to these and other related problems, do read the paper!

Abstract and citation

This paper analyzes the ways that the widespread use of generative AIs (GAIs) in education and, more broadly, in contributing to and reflecting the collective intelligence of our species, can and will change us. Methodologically, the paper applies a theoretical model and grounded argument to present a case that GAIs are different in kind from all previous technologies. The model extends Brian Arthur’s insights into the nature of technologies as the orchestration of phenomena to our use by explaining the nature of humans’ participation in their enactment, whether as part of the orchestration (hard technique, where our roles must be performed correctly) or as orchestrators of phenomena (soft technique, performed creatively or idiosyncratically). Education may be seen as a technological process for developing these soft and hard techniques in humans to participate in the technologies, and thus the collective intelligence, of our cultures. Unlike all earlier technologies, by embodying that collective intelligence themselves, GAIs can closely emulate and implement not only the hard technique but also the soft that, until now, was humanity’s sole domain; the very things that technologies enabled us to do can now be done by the technologies themselves. Because they replace things that learners have to do in order to learn and that teachers must do in order to teach, the consequences for what, how, and even whether learning occurs are profound. The paper explores some of these consequences and concludes with theoretically informed approaches that may help us to avert some dangers while benefiting from the strengths of generative AIs. Its distinctive contributions include a novel means of understanding the distinctive differences between GAIs and all other technologies, a characterization of the nature of generative AIs as collectives (forms of collective intelligence), reasons to avoid the use of GAIs to replace teachers, and a theoretically grounded framework to guide adoption of generative AIs in education.

Dron, J. (2023). The Human Nature of Generative AIs and the Technological Nature of Humanity: Implications for Education. Digital, 3(4), 319–335. https://doi.org/10.3390/digital3040020

Originally posted at: https://landing.athabascau.ca/bookmarks/view/21104429/published-in-digital-the-human-nature-of-generative-ais-and-the-technological-nature-of-humanity-implications-for-education