Here’s a characteristically well-expressed and succinct summary of the complex nature of technologies, our relationships with them, and what that means for education by the ever-wonderful Tim Fawns. I like it a lot, and it expresses much what I have tried to express about the nature and value of technologies, far better than I could do it and in far fewer words. Some of it, though, feels like it wants to be unpacked a little further, especially the notions that there are no tools, that tools are passive, and that tools are technologies. None of what follows contradicts or negates Tim’s points, but I think it helps to reveal some of the complexities.
There are tools
Tim starts provocatively with the claim that:
There are no tools. Tools are passive, neutral. They can be picked up and put down, used to achieve human goals without changing the user (the user might change, but the change is not attributed to the tool).
I get the point about the connection between tools and technology (in fact it is very similar to one I make in the “Not just tools” section of Chapter 3 of How Education Works) and I understand where Tim is going with it (which is almost immediately to consciously sort-of contradict himself), but I think it is a bit misleading to claim there are no tools, even in the deliberately partial and over-literal sense that Tim uses the term. This is because to call something a tool is to describe a latent or actual relationship between it and an agent (be it a person, a crow, or a generative AI), not just to describe the object itself. At the point at which that relationship is instantiated it very much changes the agent: at the very least, they now have a capability that they did not have before, assuming the tool works and is used for a purpose. Figuring out how to use the tool is not just a change to the agent but a change to what the agent may become that expands the adjacent possible. And, of course, many tools are intracranial so, by definition, having them and using them changes the user. This is particularly obvious when the tool in question is a word, a concept, a model, or a theory, but it is just as true of a hammer, a whiteboard, an iPhone, or a stick picked up from the ground with some purpose in mind, because of the roles we play in them.
Tools are not (exactly) technologies
Tim goes on to claim:
Tools are really technologies. Each technology creates new possibilities for acting, seeing and organising the world.
Again, he is sort-of right and, again, not quite, because “tool” is (as he says) a relational term. When it is used a tool is always part of a technology because the technique needed to use it is a technology that is part of the assembly, and the assembly is the technology that matters. However, the thing that is used – the tool itself – is not necessarily a technology in its own right. A stick on the ground that might be picked up to hit something, point to something, or scratch something is simply a stick.
Tools are not neutral
Tim says:
So a hammer is not just sitting there waiting to be picked up, it is actively involved in possibility-shaping, which subtly and unsubtly entangles itself with social, cognitive, material and digital activity. A hammer brings possibilities of building and destroying, threatening and protecting, and so forth, but as part of a wider, complex activity.
I like this: by this point, Tim is telling us that there are tools and that they are not neutral, in an allusion to Culkin’s/McLuhan’s dictum that we shape our tools and thereafter our tools shape us. Every new tool changes us, for sure, and it is an active participant in cognition, not a non-existent neutral object. But our enactment of the technology in which the tool participates is what defines it as a tool, so we don’t so much shape it as we are part of the shape of it, and it is that participation that changes us. We are our tools, and our tools are us.
There is interpretive flexibility in this – a natural result of the adjacent possibles that all technologies enable – which means that any technology can be combined with others to create a new technology. An iPhone, say, can be used by anyone, including monkeys, to crack open nuts (I wonder whether that is covered by AppleCare?), but this does not make the iPhone neutral to someone who is enmeshed in the web of technologies of which the iPhone is designed to be a part. As the kind of tool (actually many tools) it is designed to be, it plays quite an active role in the orchestration: as a thing, it is not just used but using. The greater the pre-orchestration of any tool, the more its designers are co-participants in the assembled technology, and it can often be a dominant role that is anything but neutral.
Most things that we call tools (Tim uses the hammer as an example) are also technologies in their own right, regardless of their tooliness: they are phenomena orchestrated with a purpose, stuff that is organized to do stuff and, though softer tools like hammers have a great many adjacent possibles that provide almost infinite interpretive flexibility, they also – as Tim suggests – have propensities that invite very particular kinds of use. A good hardware store sells at least a dozen different kinds of hammer with slightly different propensities, labelled for different uses. All demand a fair amount of skill to use them as intended. Such stores also sell nail guns, though, that reduce the amount of skill needed by automating elements of the process. While they do open up many further adjacent possibles (with chainsaws, making them mainstays of a certain kind of horror movie), and they demand their own sets of skills to use them safely, the pre-orchestration in nail guns greatly reduces many of the adjacent possibles of a manual hammer: they aren’t much good for, say, prying things open, or using as a makeshift anchor for a kayak, or propping up the lid of a tin of paint. Interestingly, nor are they much use for quite a wide range of nail hammering tasks where delicacy or precision are needed. All of this is true because, as a nail driver, there is a smaller gap between intention and execution that needs to be filled than for even the most specialized manual hammer, due to the creators of the nail gun having already filled a lot of it, thus taking quite a few choices away from the tool user. This is the essence of my distinction between hard and soft technologies, and it is exactly the point of making a device of this nature. By filling gaps, the hardness simplifies many of the complexities and makes for greater speed and consistency which in turn makes more things possible (because we no longer have to spend so much time being part of a hammer) but, in the process, it eliminates other adjacent possibles. The gaps can be filled further. The person using such a machine to, say, nail together boxes on a production line is not so much a tool user as a part of someone else’s tool. Their agency is so much reduced that they are just a component, albeit a relatively unreliable component.
Being tools
In an educational context, a great deal of hardening is commonplace, which simplifies the teaching process and allows things to be done at scale. This in turn allows us to do something approximating reductive science, which gives us the comforting feeling that there is some objective value in how we teach. We can, for example, look at the effects of changes to pre-specified lesson plans on SAT results, if both lesson plans and SATs are very rigid, and infer moderately consistent relationships between the two, and so we can improve the process and measure our success quite objectively. The big problem here, though, is what we do not (and cannot) examine by such approaches, such as the many other things that are learned as a result of being treated as cogs in a mechanical system, the value of learning vs the value of grades, or our places in social hierarchies in which we are forced to comply with a very particular kind of authority. SATs change us, in many less than savoury ways. SATs also fail to capture more than a miniscule fraction of the potentially useful learning that also (hopefully) occurred. As tools for sorting learners by levels of competence, SATs are as far from neutral as you can get, and as situated as they could possibly be. As tools for learning or for evaluating learning they are, to say the least, problematic, at least in part because they make the learner a part of the tool rather than a user of it. Either way, you cannot separate them from their context because, if you did, it would be a different technology. If I chose to take a SAT for fun (and I do like puzzles and quizzes, so this is not improbable) it would be a completely different technology than for a student, or a teacher, or an administrator in an educational system. They are all, in very different ways, parts of the tool that is in part made of SATs. I would be a user of it.
All of this reinforces Tim’s main and extremely sound points, that we are embroiled in deeply intertwingled relationships with all of our technologies, and that they cannot be de-situated. I prefer the term “intertwingled” to the term “entangled” that Tim uses because, to me, “entangled” implies chaos and randomness but, though there may (formally) be chaos involved, in the sense of sensitivity to initial conditions and emergence, this is anything but random. It is an extremely complex system but it is highly self-organizing, filled with metastabilities and pockets of order, each of which acts as a further entity in the complex system from which it emerges.
It is incredibly difficult to write about the complex wholes of technological systems of this nature. I think the hardest problem of all is the massive amount of recursion it entails. We are in the realms of what Kauffman calls Kantian Wholes, in which the whole exists for and by means of the parts, and the parts exist for and by means of the whole, but we are talking about many wholes that are parts of or that depend on many other wholes and their parts that are wholes, and so on ad infinitum, often crossing and weaving back and forth so that we sometimes wind up with weird situations in which it seems that a whole is part of another whole that is also part of the whole that is a part of it, thanks to the fact that this is a dynamic system, filled with emergence and in a constant state of becoming. Systems don’t stay still: their narratives are cyclic, recursive, and only rarely linear. Natural language cannot easily do this justice, so it is not surprising that, in his post, Tim is essentially telling us both that tools are neutral and that they are not, that tools exist and that they do not, and that tools are technologies and they are not. I think that I just did pretty much the same thing.
Source: There are no tools – Timbocopia